It was a big decision to close Bee Potion this year. I had an outpouring of customers declaring how special they felt the Potions were and how saddened they were to hear about my losses. I am so happy to say I am going to open my shop doors for the months of October and November. I will create a limited amount of your favourite potions to hopefully last you the year.
So here is a little more about my personal bee journey this year.
I sold all of my standard National hive equipment. I felt this form of beekeeping was not for me. If you want an interventionist approach, that was developed through the industrial revolution 200 years ago...Then it does work but you have to be prepared to be the boss and commit time and a lot of management to it.
I felt I was always a little half hearted and over sensitive with the national approach. Selling my kit to a wonderful beekeeper locally was the best thing I could have done. He is a local man and a retired doctor who is committed to the national hive practice. Equally he has encouraged me to keep going with my educational, 'Golden Hives' at the woodland wellbeing site in Fairlight.

He found a swarm at the new Fairlight visitors centre, 'The Bale House' and convinced me to take it on. I watched the colony, the queen laid and the colony expanded. To the point where I have now been able to share the love of bees with the young people I work with. One of my clients said, after witnessing the bees up close that, 'It was one of the best days of my life seeing the bees and even watching one being born'.