Katharine The Bee Landlady

In early evening’s honeyed light
Here amidst the tangled oaks
I smoke the bees
With the lavender they love
I hum to the hives
to honour their being
I harmonise
With the rise and fall of bee buzz music
I brush the hives so tenderly
Nothing rushed
Each moment
Each movement mindful
I watch bees gently sip
On drops of gold
In the heart of the buzzing brood box
They busy around their Queen
Who breeds and leads the bees
through mother love
I do not clip her wings or paint her
And I hardly harvest honey
I am simply a landlady
Trading a well-swept home
For a little liquid gold
I’ve always had
a yearning for learning
I bring people to the woods
To be with bees
And refugees
And tiny children young as three
Bees can put the softest smile
On the toughest teenager’s face
Bees teach
life and death
the sweet and the sting
the awe and the fear
the being-ness of being here
in the moment
Bees teach timelessness
they live for six weeks
and for one hundred million years
such purpose
in their short-lived lives
1 comment
I think your poem is really cool. You obviously have a great affinity with bees